The Straight Lingual Archform in Set-up Model of the 1st Premolars Extraction Case
Bong-Kyu Chang, Hee-Moon Kyung Department of Orthodontics, Dental School, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Kore
제1소구치를 발치한 Set-up 모형에서의 설측 직선 치열궁 형태
장봉규, 경희문 경북대학교 치의학 전문대학원 교정학교실
Purpose: Th is study was designed to obtain the straight lingual archform in order to provide the fundamental data for preformed straight lingual arch wires and brackets development.
Methods: Set-up models of 35 patients were selected and scanned. 4 anterior Fujita lingual brackets were aligned with a proper circular arc and the others in a straight line using computer program. Diameter of anterior arc and length and width of posterior straight line were measured and standardized.
Results: In maxilla, diameter of anterior arcs ranged 30-46 mm, in mandible, 26-42 mm. Anterior arcs were divided into 3 groups (large, medium, small) and standardized. Standardized maxillary and mandibular anterior diameters of arcs were same, however maxillary arch width was a little larger than mandibular arch width. Th e straight lingual archform was obtained with minimal distance between lingual surface of the tooth and brackets.
Conclusion: Th is study will be helpful in developing preformed straight lingual archwires and brackets
Key words: Set-up model, Straight lingual archform
Korean J Lingual Ortho Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2012