Orthodontic Treatment of Gummy Smile by Maxillary Total Intrusion with Midpalatal Absolute Anchorage System (MAAS)
Jung Min Heo1 , Ryoon-Ki Hong2
1 Park Avenue Orthodontic Clinic, 2 Department of Orthodontics, Chong-A Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Purpose: Th is article reports the lingual orthodontic treatment result of an adult patient with a gummy smile treated by maxillary total intrusion with midpalatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS).
Methods: A 24-year-old woman had a Class II malocclusion with a gummy smile. Her overjet and overbite were 5.5 mm and -0.5 mm, respectively. A midpalatal SMS screw and two buccal mini screws were placed at the maxilla to intrude whole maxillary dentition.
Results: After 30 months of orthodontic treatment, an acceptable occlusion was achieved. Her profile and smile esthetics were considerably improved. The maxillary molars and incisors were intruded 3.0 mm and 2.6 mm, respectively, and gingival exposure was reduced. And the mandible was subsequently rotated counterclockwise.
Conclusion: In conclusion, maxillary total intrusion with midpalatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) is eff ective for the treatment of gummy smile patient due to skeletal maxillary excess.
Key words: Gummy smile, Maxillary total intrusion, MAAS, SMS screw
Korean J Lingual Ortho 2012;1(1):66-74