A Treatment Approach for Lip Protrusion Using KILBON Appliance
Min Jung1 , Sang Hwan Joo1 , Soon Yong Kwon2 , Young Guk Park3
1 Ye-E-Rang Orthodontic Clinic
2 Central Orthodontic Clinic
3 Department of Orthodontics, Kyung-hee University, Seoul, Korea
As orthodontic treatment, resolving the patient's chief complaint is a very big part of the purpose of the treatment. Th e patient want to resolve chief complaint fast and eff ectively whether it's a functional part or aesthetic part. Orthodontist consider this part of the treatment and should plan even. Many patients in orthodontic treatment is to treate the protrusion. Th ey also wants an aesthetic way. Lingual treatment is suitable for this treatment method and is fulfi lling its purpose mainly through tooth extraction. Mechanic ever so many ways to do this are being introduced and actually applied. In recent years, it became possible to achieve a rapid eff ect in the early treatment period. Furthermore, by combining the digital technology, it is possible to establish the diagnosis, treatment plan and design the device. Two case examples are the introduction of the aforementioned treatments. A case in two, KILBON (Kinematics Of Lingual Bar On Non-parallel force system) system was used to design a system and devices by combining digital technology. we solved the protrusion early. In addition to, we evaluate those benefi ts and the healing process, and the results to review.
Key words: KILBON, Bialveolar protrusion
Korean J Lingual Orthod 2015;4(1):75-86