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[5-1]_(46~52) Arch Coordination in Skeletal Asymmetry Patient Successfully Treated with Miniscrew An

작성자 사진: Dr. Young-Gyu LeeDr. Young-Gyu Lee

Arch Coordination in Skeletal Asymmetry Patient Successfully Treated with Miniscrew Anchorage and Lingual Orthodontic Brackets

Jeongyeop Lee1 , Bumyeon Koh2

1 U Dental Clinic,

2 Bumyeon Koh X.O Orthodontic Clinic, Seoul, Korea

In this article, we report the successful use of miniscrews in a patient with an Angle Class I malocclusion, bimaxillary alveolar protrusion, midline deviation, and mild crowding. Simultaneously resolving such problems in skeletal asymmetry patient is difficult. In this case, the treatment procedure was even more challenging because the patient preferred to have lingual brackets. As a result, miniscrews were used to facilitate significant asymmetric tooth movement; this contributed to the camouflage of the skeletal asymmetry together with complete resolution of the mild crowding and bimaxillary alveolar protrusion. Arch coordination and a stable occlusion in skeletal asymmetry patient were also resolved. Improvements in the facial profile and dental arches were achieved.

Key words: Miniscrew anchorage, Lingual bracket, Arch coordination

Korean J Lingual Orthod 2016;5(1):46-52

조회수 26회댓글 0개

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