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[9-1]_(21~25) Facebow Transfer Using True Horizontal Plane

Facebow Transfer Using True Horizontal Plane

Janghoon Ahn

Department of Orthodontics, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea

Stone model mounting is an inevitable process to set up model teeth and fabricate transfer jig for lingual orthodontic treatment. Facebow transfer is the first procedure for mounting a model on an articulator. Facebow transfer is a process for constructing a specific reference plane to position a maxilla in three dimensional space. Therefore, it is very important to transfer a maxilla to an articulator correctly and reproducibly. FH plane has been used as a basic reference for diagnosis and treatment planning for long time. Moreover, we have usually used it for mounting a model on an articulator. However, FH plane has a limitation that it can be variable and changeable according to the vertical position of orbitale and porion inter-individually. Therefore, we clinician need a reproducible and reliable reference for facebow transfer. True horizontal plane as an alternative can be a good reference to perform above the procedure. The steps for facebow transfer using true horizontal plane based on natural head position will be described step by step in this article.

Key words: Model mounting, Facebow transfer, True horizontal plane, Natural head position

Korean J Lingual Orthod 2020;9(1):21-25

조회수 23회댓글 0개

최근 게시물

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